Category Archives: Umbrella Prayer

Just attended Graham’s Funeral via C-Span

Prayer Warriors, they call it his “Last Crusade.” How our Jesus was honored and glorified. They will be showing the two hour funeral again on C-Span later today. Your heart will be so warmed, smiling through your tears. As he said, “If you hear that Billy Graham is dead, don’t believe it. I will be more alive than I ever was, I just changed my address.” That is why we rejoiced with my brother Art. He is alive and well, saved and safe with our Jesus. That is why 1 Thess. 5:16-19 is so real. Blessings, D

Thank you for your prayers for my DC trip to the Museum of the Bible.

Prayer Warriors, The Museum of the Bible is so very well done, I encourage all to visit it. I returned home last night (Sunday) a little after 11 pm. What an amazing, fully packed, 3 days (15 hours on Saturday, alone)! The Lord allowed me to do so much and have many wonderful Divine Appointments!!! From those individuals who designed the various exhibits, or constructed the building itself, etc, to an orthodox Jewish scribe working on a Torah.. It was wonderful to talk to, and ask questions of, the people who made this dream possible (The Bible beautifully represented in OURNation’s Capitol). The Museum is great already, with so much potential, even the “Jerusalem – Silver Scrolls” (the dig that I was on in 1980) is represented there. Saturday night, I attended the Broadway Musical, “Amazing Grace” (the life story of John Newton and his transformation). Many special effects during the performance, and at the end, the audience stood and sang with the performers, “Amazing Grace.” The Museum has a beautiful five hundred seat, Broadway equivalent, theater. Where they will be bringing in various performances through out the year. I am forwarding some short videos (be sure watch all 4). They will give a good overview of what I saw. A special shout out, to the three ladies who stayed with mom while I was in DC. Mom had fun and is doing so well. She is even stronger now, than when I left her on Friday. Her therapist gave her an “A+” today. Thank you again for your prayers for mom and my ministry. We feel them. Blessings, D

Consequences of Huricane Irma on mom and me.

Prayer Warriors, I have felt your prayers for weeks and I sure have needed them. I almost do not know where to begin. Almost two weeks before Irma, the Lord gave me a heads up to start preparing for it logistically. I was always a few days ahead of the rush, being able to purchase things prior to everyone else. Also, He began providing me “angels with skin” because my brother Art (who would have taken care of things) was with Him. The night of the hurricane, because we had no lights, mom fell. Because of the storm, we could not go to the ER until Weds. morning to get an x-ray, to make sure that she did not break anything. She had not, but she was in terrible pain. We went back to our dear friends who had opened up their home because our generator stopped working (we stayed without power for 10 days). However, that night we realized that something worse was going on with mom and therefore the ambulance had to come again to take her back to the ER. Long story short, they found that she was fighting a serious infection, her bladder and bowel were not working correctly, etc. We stayed in the hospital seven days (we should have stayed longer, but hind sight is 20/20). Because our neighbor’s shed hit our power lines, it not only pulled them from the poll it pulled them up from the house. FPL would not fix us until a paid electrician fixed it, they had to get a permit and then the county had to come out and ok the job (because I was with mom 24/7 at the hospital in a room with a bed for me), I had to do all the logistics from the hospital room. The hospital would not release mom until we had power. Mom was released too soon because they did not realize how serious her bowel problem was (she had not had a bowel movement for seven days). It took days for Home Health care to resolve the problem. Mom is on the mend but has a long ways to go. I will stop now, because this is getting long. Miracles upon miracles have taken place over these weeks*:) happy. I will encourage you with them in emails to come. Surely, 1 Thess. 5:16-19 has been and is in play, we are at peace. Even in this, even in this. Blessings, D

Here comes Irma!!!

Prayer Warriors, where do I begin? The Lord Jesus has been so kind to mom and me. Mom wanted to stay here. That meant going into prayer overdrive. I have witnessed the Lord sending “angels with skin,” and given me extra endurance to get the preparations finished. Oh the miracles that have already happened!!! I know that many of you are in the same path as we are. But it is important to cling to 1 Thess. 5:16-19, it is what is giving me joy and peace in the midst of all this. I just finished putting all of us under a specific “Umbrella.” May Jesus be honored and glorified. The good work that He began, getting us ready for this storm, He will finish. Blessings, D

Inaugural Day Two, Divine Appointments

Prayer Warriors. Day two, WOW. I woke up in time to drive and park Carol’s car, and get to the Metro Station a little after 4:am. to go into DC (the Lord had the train ready to go, leaving literally 60 seconds after I got on, so that I did not have to wait in the cold). The amazing timing, of so many answers, to so many “Umbrella” prayers*:) happy. I got off (40 minutes later) at the closest open metro to the Trump International Hotel, where the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast was to start at 7:am. When I walked to the Mall (a couple of blocks away), I found that even though I could see the Hotel (10 minutes away), security (there in force) was not open to let us cross over. I did not realize that the ENTIRE Mall would be completely closed off with a chain link fence (I have never seen that done before). Also, I have never seen so much security, even with the other two Inaugurals for W. I arrived at the Trump around 6:30am, after walking around three miles, circling much of the Mall (remembering I Thess. 5:16-19, every step of the way)*:) happy. The Breakfast started more than an hour late because hundreds of the 1000 attending, could not start through security until well after 7:am. But because of this, the Lord was able to answer a Divine appointment. I had prayed to sit with one of my students and his son at the breakfast (they had flown up from Bradenton, separately from me). They got to the Trump 5 minutes after me, their table was three from mine, and the only single person at their table was willing to change with me*:) happy. So much happened during the three hours, but for me the prayer of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn at the end, for the nation and the President, was most moving. Ed and I had prayed an “Umbrella” prayer, that he and his son would be able to see President Trump close up and in person. I had prayed to be on the Mall to witness the swearing in ceremony. Even with leaving the Breakfast late, they chose to go through security and get a good place outside the Trump Hotel, to watch the parade. President Trump’s car stopped right in front of them, he and his family got out and waved right at them (15 feet away). Great video, and they were thrilled*:) happy. I chose to go through security at the Mall and cross over, and then go back to Carol’s to get ready for the Christian “Faith, Family, Future Ball,” to be held that night at the Capitol Hill Hyatt in DC. As I got to the middle of the Mall, they began the swearing in, and the President’s speech. I stopped and not only saw them at the Capitol Building but also had a jumbo tron, and saw and heard everything*:) happy. As I left the Mall, there were people still in line, a block and a half long, trying to get in, through security. Will finish day two, tomorrow. Blessings, D

Awesome answers to prayer for my Inauguration trip, representing you.

Prayer Warriors. This is the first day, that things have settled down long enough, to let you know about my awesome four days in DC for the Inauguration. WOW, I always say, “what the Lord Jesus does ‘amazes’ me but His timing ‘awes’ me.” This was such a trip, loaded with Divine Appointments. I experienced His Divine hand so distinctly, that at times He took my breath away, what a “grand adventure.” I flew up to DC early Thursday morning (day before Inauguration) and went directly into the city, to A Special Inauguration Prayer Event (invitation only), held at Greater New Hope Baptist Church. There, major Conservative Evangelical leaders (ie., James and Shirley Dobson, David Barton, James Robison, Tony Perkins, Mike Evans, Chief Negiel Bigpond who has represented 70 American Indians tribes, Bishop Harry Jackson, Alan and Willie Robertson, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Congressional Reps. Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, etc., etc., etc.) came together to PRAY and be a part of the festivities. To be invited to such a special event was truly humbling, and representing you at such an event, a privilege. After the first event, we then participated in a second, A Celebration of the USA – Israeli Relationship. This was a time of honoring the Genesis 12:3 call to “Bless Israel.” There were even members of Israel’s Knesset (similar to our Congress) speaking. (One is even called the Israeli “Margaret Thatcher.”) I think that they were blown away by the prayers and love shown for them and their Israel. After a time fellowship, I took the Metro out to Springfield, VA to stay the four days at the home of the Frey’s. Dear Christian friends of almost forty years, Tom (who has just gone home to Jesus) and Carol, have been great prayer warriors, supporters, and friends. We have been in the DC “battle,” for the soul of America, for a long time. I will catch you up, about day two of the trip, tomorrow. Blessings, D

You Did It!

Prayer Warriors, I thought that you might be interested in this info. from Dave. As most of you know, I am able to wear many hats in my ministry (BHI), because of your faithful prayers and financial support. One of them being “Restore America,” who has invited me many times over the years to participate and have my voice heard (even an opportunity to not only meet Mr. Trump but to speak with him and have my little voice heard). I am so looking forward to what the Lord has in store for those who love Him and obey Him. What an amazing time to be alive. 1 Thess. 5:16-19. Blessings, D

I am HOME, happy, happy, happy!

*O:-) angelShalom everyone, my brother Art picked me up from the airport in Tampa, 1:am this morning (Tues). So that I would not experience jet lag, I needed to stay awake for the 27 hours of my trip back. Believe me, I got into my bed and was out like a light for 9 hours. It was so good to give Art and mom big hugs and kisses this morning. We are slowly catching up. Just a quick Divine appointment catch up. While waiting at my hotel in Israel, for my shuttle to the airport (5:45am), I was able to talk with the night clerk (a young Jewish student that I had not met before). Because of his love for history (he intends to visit the 5 churches mentioned in Rev. this fall), he was very interested in the differences in Christian denominations (why some think that the whole Bible is to be believed and followed, while others do not). He was very open and curious (we even talked about what was found on that 1980 dig). So, for 30 minutes we discussed what a “Born Again” believer, believes. Just as my ride showed up, I handed him a Four Laws booklet and said that this is what we believe “in a nut shell.” He smiled, thanked me, and put it in his pocket to read after I left (watering a seed). I gave him over to the Lord and off I went to Tel Aviv. Even though the Isreali security is high, it was nice to keep my shoes on. One of my next Divine appointments was to be my seat mate on the plane. A lovely young Jewish girl (she has one parent in Chicago and one in Tel Aviv). Because she had taken a class in archeology while in college, she was very interested in what I had seen at the Sifting Project Dig and how (regarding the truths of the Bible) “every time an archaeologist puts a shovel in the ground he buries a skeptic.” We talked of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Psalms. She had heard of the “end of days,” and wondered if I thought we were in them. That brought us to why I was back in Israel, which brought us to my love for Jesus, and His love for His earthly “homeland.” I was then able to go through C.S. Lewis’ “Lier, Lunatic, or Lord” illustration. She then said, because of the illustration, that it finally was making sense. However, after talking for 40 minutes, (just after the plane took off) they found that there was something wrong with her seating and she had to move. But she smiled, shook my hand and thanked me (watering a seed). As we took off over Israel, I could see the city, the green farm lands, the mountains and beyond. As we then made our turn and started our climb over the Med. Sea, I took that last communion, and watched until I no could longer see “The Land” any more. I smiled, thanked the Lord, and felt satisfied (like after a big Thanksgiving dinner) *:) happy. In the Lord’s kindness (angels watching over me), He guided me through one of the worst Customs entry points (JFK) that I have ever seen. Because someone gave me a “blessed orange slip of paper,” I kept being put at the head of the lines, by-passing hundreds of people (maybe thousands). What could have taken easily three hours or more, took less than one (and no one questioned me or anything in my bags). They did not take my little orange paper until I went to my gate. Amazing! *O:-) angel Truly the Lord has guided my every step on this trip, and I do not take that lightly. No sickness, no accidents, and I took the right amount of everything. And of course where I stayed, location, location, location. I found out that this little hotel was used in the 40s, by many of those who would become the founders of the new Israel (although very clean and safe, it reminded of a place that “Bogie” would have stayed at, in “Casablanca”). I look forward to sharing the “treasures,” that I have brought back, with many of you. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Now, on to another great adventure, for all of us. Thank you for all the prayers, they were answered over and above. Blessings, D

The Lord amazed me today with a group of “Divine Appts.”

Hi from Jerusalem. Friday, the beautiful Fall days have returned. I had breakfast this morning out on the little patio that sits across from the Old Church. While there, I recognized the famous explorer Bob Canuke (google) and some of his fellow workers (the one from Alaska is a friend of John Stemburger of Florida Family Research). Bob then introduced me to an author friend of his, they are working on a book together. We talked about a couple of projects that he has going on (one causing a major controversy about the Temple, this was why he was here at Christ Church today). I prayed with him (“Umbrella” for the truth to be revealed). I was then invited to join them in the Heritage Centre to discuss with the director, a messianic Jew and an amazing historian, about theTemple Mount (really the entire Old City). I got to the meeting a little early and introduced myself to the director. To my amazement, he already knew of me (my guess, because of small talk with some of the staff, about the dig that I had been on). He said that he wanted to discuss the dig, the silver scrolls, and all that happened there. When the others came in (now it gets really crazy), HE then introduces me to them, and then says that HE is looking forward to MY insights! (Can you believe it?) What was EVEN crazier, I not only was asked to join in the conversation, I was able to bring some answers (and questions) to the discussion (I even offered one new possibility, that even the director had not thought of, and he thought I was correct), isn’t that a hoot. The Lord sure has a sense of humor (some “Divine Appts.,” aye)! I am still smiling. Tonight, I celebrated a Christian Shabbat (sabboth dinner) here with new friends. The director of the Heritage Centre and his wife actually hosted the 20 or so of us. Part of the ritual has the reading of the Priestly prayer from the Book of Numbers (the one that is on the two silver scrolls from the dig that I was on). Right after he prayed the prayer, he took me by surprize and asked if I would stand and explain about how the scrolls were found and the importance of them, in dating the written Old Testament 400 years before the Dead Scrolls. Also, the author friend of Bob Canuke sat next to me and wanted to further explain his and Bob’s theory on the Temple placement. What an evening . . What a day! Thank you for your prayers. Tomorrow, I start finshing up last minute details and begin packing. I miss all of you and I am ready to get back home to my mom. Blessings, D

C.S. Lewis in Jerusalem (another Divine Appt)

Hi from Jerusalem. Weds. morning I spent a little time in “Art’s” Garden. Today they warned us, that it might be better to stay out of the Moslem Quarter of the City, unless you are in a group. The troops and police are out in force right now. Soooooo, off I headed deep into the Old City again (Jewish Quarter) to spend a couple of hours at the “Temple Institute” (these are the Jews that have made, built, prepared everything to put in/up the Temple, including the High Priest’s outfit and a pre-fab building, etc.). I have loved coming back to it over the years, to see all that they have finished (all the things that you see here are not copies of what will be going into the Temple, but the real deal). Always something new to learn and see. I found out that the “Gold Mennorah,” that stands overlooking the Temple Mount, is made with 95 pounds of pure gold (they said it is worth well over two million dollars). This time I noticed, that all of the paintings of their plans for the next Temple, show that “IT” is not going to be “sharing” the Temple Mount (if you get my meaning). Went to one of my favorite cafes, it overlooks the Temple Mount, and had the best Falafal in Israel. Then it was off to the nearby “Burnt House.” This is a small museum that houses the archeological remains of a Temple priest’s family home that was destroyed by fire in 70 AD, when the Romans came into Jerusalem and destroyed not only the Temple but the city as well. Even the stones used in building the house are chard black. Boy, is it getting cold here! At least 20 degrees different from home in Florida. I am sure getting a big chunk of Fall this year. But still loving it! Just got back this evening from the wonderful two act play performed in the Old Church. The actor I wrote you about earlier, transformed himself into C.S.Lewis, sitting in his living room, acting as if those in the audience are his guest for the day. A wonderful presentation that opens the audience up to how Lewis not only came to know Christ, but how it transformed his life and work. It looks like I have made two new friends. He wanted my picture with him and I wanted he and his wife with me. His wife said that after our conversation, he is just fascinated with “Ben Hur” now. We are to have breakfast tomorrow before they leave for their home in Hollywood. The Lord continues to amaze me with His Divine Appts. and how He opens various paths. Your prayers are truly felt. Blessings, D