Prayer Warriors. Day two, WOW. I woke up in time to drive and park Carol’s car, and get to the Metro Station a little after 4:am. to go into DC (the Lord had the train ready to go, leaving literally 60 seconds after I got on, so that I did not have to wait in the cold). The amazing timing, of so many answers, to so many “Umbrella” prayers. I got off (40 minutes later) at the closest open metro to the Trump International Hotel, where the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast was to start at 7:am. When I walked to the Mall (a couple of blocks away), I found that even though I could see the Hotel (10 minutes away), security (there in force) was not open to let us cross over. I did not realize that the ENTIRE Mall would be completely closed off with a chain link fence (I have never seen that done before). Also, I have never seen so much security, even with the other two Inaugurals for W. I arrived at the Trump around 6:30am, after walking around three miles, circling much of the Mall (remembering I Thess. 5:16-19, every step of the way). The Breakfast started more than an hour late because hundreds of the 1000 attending, could not start through security until well after 7:am. But because of this, the Lord was able to answer a Divine appointment. I had prayed to sit with one of my students and his son at the breakfast (they had flown up from Bradenton, separately from me). They got to the Trump 5 minutes after me, their table was three from mine, and the only single person at their table was willing to change with me. So much happened during the three hours, but for me the prayer of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn at the end, for the nation and the President, was most moving. Ed and I had prayed an “Umbrella” prayer, that he and his son would be able to see President Trump close up and in person. I had prayed to be on the Mall to witness the swearing in ceremony. Even with leaving the Breakfast late, they chose to go through security and get a good place outside the Trump Hotel, to watch the parade. President Trump’s car stopped right in front of them, he and his family got out and waved right at them (15 feet away). Great video, and they were thrilled. I chose to go through security at the Mall and cross over, and then go back to Carol’s to get ready for the Christian “Faith, Family, Future Ball,” to be held that night at the Capitol Hill Hyatt in DC. As I got to the middle of the Mall, they began the swearing in, and the President’s speech. I stopped and not only saw them at the Capitol Building but also had a jumbo tron, and saw and heard everything. As I left the Mall, there were people still in line, a block and a half long, trying to get in, through security. Will finish day two, tomorrow. Blessings, D
Inaugural Day Two, Divine Appointments
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