Category Archives: Events

BHI’s biggest ministry event of the year

Dr. Dale told me the event we (BHI) have participated in for 19 years now as a ministry could possibly be “the biggest child evangelism day of the year” and she was referring to Halloween. As some “christian ministries” would call this a day of “evil” Dr. Burroughs told us that this was her way and also BHI’s way of “taking it back” for Christ.

We were fortunate to have our BHI board members Ed Mekush and Dan Benzing help us set-up for the event and also our friends Jessica, Edgar and our son James help us during the event as well.

This year we had the event at Palmetto, Florida fair grounds whereas other ministries and even law enforcement participate.

Because our main thrust is evangelism, we have our ‘Why the Pumpkin Smiles’ poster in front plus handed out hand made crocheted crosses by Ed & Linda Mekush, pretzels and a mini version of ‘Why the Pumpkin Smiles’ handout.

Why the Pumpkin Smiles

Just attended Graham’s Funeral via C-Span

Prayer Warriors, they call it his “Last Crusade.” How our Jesus was honored and glorified. They will be showing the two hour funeral again on C-Span later today. Your heart will be so warmed, smiling through your tears. As he said, “If you hear that Billy Graham is dead, don’t believe it. I will be more alive than I ever was, I just changed my address.” That is why we rejoiced with my brother Art. He is alive and well, saved and safe with our Jesus. That is why 1 Thess. 5:16-19 is so real. Blessings, D

Consequences of Huricane Irma on mom and me.

Prayer Warriors, I have felt your prayers for weeks and I sure have needed them. I almost do not know where to begin. Almost two weeks before Irma, the Lord gave me a heads up to start preparing for it logistically. I was always a few days ahead of the rush, being able to purchase things prior to everyone else. Also, He began providing me “angels with skin” because my brother Art (who would have taken care of things) was with Him. The night of the hurricane, because we had no lights, mom fell. Because of the storm, we could not go to the ER until Weds. morning to get an x-ray, to make sure that she did not break anything. She had not, but she was in terrible pain. We went back to our dear friends who had opened up their home because our generator stopped working (we stayed without power for 10 days). However, that night we realized that something worse was going on with mom and therefore the ambulance had to come again to take her back to the ER. Long story short, they found that she was fighting a serious infection, her bladder and bowel were not working correctly, etc. We stayed in the hospital seven days (we should have stayed longer, but hind sight is 20/20). Because our neighbor’s shed hit our power lines, it not only pulled them from the poll it pulled them up from the house. FPL would not fix us until a paid electrician fixed it, they had to get a permit and then the county had to come out and ok the job (because I was with mom 24/7 at the hospital in a room with a bed for me), I had to do all the logistics from the hospital room. The hospital would not release mom until we had power. Mom was released too soon because they did not realize how serious her bowel problem was (she had not had a bowel movement for seven days). It took days for Home Health care to resolve the problem. Mom is on the mend but has a long ways to go. I will stop now, because this is getting long. Miracles upon miracles have taken place over these weeks*:) happy. I will encourage you with them in emails to come. Surely, 1 Thess. 5:16-19 has been and is in play, we are at peace. Even in this, even in this. Blessings, D

Here comes Irma!!!

Prayer Warriors, where do I begin? The Lord Jesus has been so kind to mom and me. Mom wanted to stay here. That meant going into prayer overdrive. I have witnessed the Lord sending “angels with skin,” and given me extra endurance to get the preparations finished. Oh the miracles that have already happened!!! I know that many of you are in the same path as we are. But it is important to cling to 1 Thess. 5:16-19, it is what is giving me joy and peace in the midst of all this. I just finished putting all of us under a specific “Umbrella.” May Jesus be honored and glorified. The good work that He began, getting us ready for this storm, He will finish. Blessings, D

The Lord gave me the perfect place for Art’s ashes..

Hi from Jerusalem. Tuesday morning I spoke with the manager of Christ Church about a place for Art’s ashes. I have been going everyday to a lovely. small, stone walled in “Prayer Garden,” (old trees, bright flowers, quiet and peaceful, with little places to sit and pray) attached to this Old Church (perfect). She gave me the permission to do so. I was able to spread his ashes around the garden. I am so at peace. I thanked the Lord and had communion there in “Art’s” garden. Talk about a kindness of the Lord and a Divine Appt., the day before I spread Art’s ashes, some of the Swedish youth group spent the entire day cleaning, weeding, and making the garden even more beautiful. Thank you for your prayers for the Lord’s leading. Had breakfast with the C.S. Lewis actor and his wife, found out we know a number of the same people (because of Campus Crusade for Christ). Later in the day, I went into the new part of Jerusalem (Christian bookstore) to buy some things for my “show and tell” when I get back home. While there, we started to hear police sirens (dozens) coming past us from everywhere. We found out that two Moslem boys stabbed a security officer not more than a block from us. One of the boys was shot and wounded but both were caught. This answers why, after calling the rental company about the trouble with my phone and them saying that they would deliver a new one to me from Tel Aviv, UNTIL they found out that I was staying in the Old City. They said that they were not allowed by their company to come here right now. However, I feel perfectly safe (but I also do not do anything stupid, either). This afternoon I was able to spend more than two hours having hot chocolate and speaking with one of the Christ Church ministries’ Board members who just “happened” to arrive from Canada, for their yearly Board meeting. They are here to discuss expanding their scope in Israel. I found out that they have hospitals, schools, technical works, guest houses around the country, etc. Really an amazing ministry. I have decided that part of BHI’s monthly tithe will help with this wonderful ministry. (So many Divine Appts. and Divine protection today.) Church bells are ringing all over the city, it 6:pm. Blessings. D