C.S. Lewis in Jerusalem (another Divine Appt)

Hi from Jerusalem. Weds. morning I spent a little time in “Art’s” Garden. Today they warned us, that it might be better to stay out of the Moslem Quarter of the City, unless you are in a group. The troops and police are out in force right now. Soooooo, off I headed deep into the Old City again (Jewish Quarter) to spend a couple of hours at the “Temple Institute” (these are the Jews that have made, built, prepared everything to put in/up the Temple, including the High Priest’s outfit and a pre-fab building, etc.). I have loved coming back to it over the years, to see all that they have finished (all the things that you see here are not copies of what will be going into the Temple, but the real deal). Always something new to learn and see. I found out that the “Gold Mennorah,” that stands overlooking the Temple Mount, is made with 95 pounds of pure gold (they said it is worth well over two million dollars). This time I noticed, that all of the paintings of their plans for the next Temple, show that “IT” is not going to be “sharing” the Temple Mount (if you get my meaning). Went to one of my favorite cafes, it overlooks the Temple Mount, and had the best Falafal in Israel. Then it was off to the nearby “Burnt House.” This is a small museum that houses the archeological remains of a Temple priest’s family home that was destroyed by fire in 70 AD, when the Romans came into Jerusalem and destroyed not only the Temple but the city as well. Even the stones used in building the house are chard black. Boy, is it getting cold here! At least 20 degrees different from home in Florida. I am sure getting a big chunk of Fall this year. But still loving it! Just got back this evening from the wonderful two act play performed in the Old Church. The actor I wrote you about earlier, transformed himself into C.S.Lewis, sitting in his living room, acting as if those in the audience are his guest for the day. A wonderful presentation that opens the audience up to how Lewis not only came to know Christ, but how it transformed his life and work. It looks like I have made two new friends. He wanted my picture with him and I wanted he and his wife with me. His wife said that after our conversation, he is just fascinated with “Ben Hur” now. We are to have breakfast tomorrow before they leave for their home in Hollywood. The Lord continues to amaze me with His Divine Appts. and how He opens various paths. Your prayers are truly felt. Blessings, D

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