The “Silver Scrolls” found on our Jerusalem Dig.

Prayer Warriors, many of you know about the archeological dig that I participated in, back in 1980, and the famous “Silver Scrolls” that were found at that site. If you go to CBN.COM and look for the May 10th “700 Club,” there is a story about archeology in today’s Jerusalem. You will not only see the “Sifting Project” that I was able to participate in, in November of 2015 but also Gaby, our archeologist heading our dig in 1980. He talks about, and shows, one of the “Silver Scrolls” that was found on our dig (some of you have seen the exact copy, that I brought back from Jerusalem). I pray that all of you will one day see Jerusalem with your own eyes. Someone so accurately said, “before seeing the Holy Land, you read the Bible in black and white. After you see the Holy Land, you read the Bible in living color.” You are never the same. Amen. Blessings, D

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