What a day, it is a beauty.

Hi from Jerusalem. Here it is Saturday and it is absolutely beautiful, just like the day I arrived. This morning at breakfast I talked to a dear lady from Wales and her eleven year old son (he is a character). She and I spoke of how the Lord is using small group Bible studies instead of the churches in her country (like ours). We talked of how it appears that the Lord is getting ready for something to happen world wide and that He is preparing the Christians who are willing to learn, disciple, and stand up boldly. I went over to “Art’s” Prayer Garden. The sun is out, the sky is blue, the flowers are bright, it is a beautifully peaceful place. I decided to have a quiet time there and the take communion. On my way back to my room to pack, I was stopped by some people who had been at last night’s Shabbat meal and had heard me speak. They wanted to talk a little more about the two silver scrolls. Interesting how this has mushroomed. Just to let you know, yes, we have heard about France. Israel has been in alert mode all week and we are probably safer here than just about anywhere. I just finished being on the “phone,” yes the one that has barely worked this entire trip. Not only was I able to join in on my weekly Saturday morning prayer conference call in the States, I spoke with mom and assured her that I was all right and was so looking forward to flying home tomorrow morning. I even was able to call Esther about the arrangements for picking me up. What a blessing!!!! Thank you so much for your prayers, they made the trip what it became (Thess 5:16-19). Blessings, D (I am sending this early because I am getting ready for bed.)

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