Prayer over Israel government

Shalom everyone, today was a day of walking with the Lord at the Knessit (Capitol Building), P.M. Natanyahu’s office building (like West Wing), and their Supreme Court. I had the opportunity to take a guided tour, in English, that is only done two times a week. They do not allow visitors to wander around on their own, so no gift shops or places to take refreshment (super high security), so no souveniers. However, they could not stop me from silently talking to the Lord about every foot of the place. Then came another Divine appointment, as I was leaving I asked for some information, another person sitting nearby (who works in the Knessit) noticed my C.L.E.A. pin that I was wearing. He was so impressed, as we talked, he took off his Knessit lapel pin (Isreali flag attached to the Knessit flag) and gave it to me as my “souvenier.” I was told by those standing by, how very rare it was to have one (only the Lord). 🙂 While there, in a quiet garden
space, I took communion and thanked the Lord for His protection of His special Land (just as two Isreali fighter jets flew over). What a day in the New City! Tomorrow, back to the Old City. 🙂 Blessings, D

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